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Album công ty3

Thông Tin cơ bản
Shining Manufactures is a leading manufacturer of Active wear and Sports Wears and can offer a full service from Customized Design, through Prototyping and on to Full Production Runs.Our Products are manufacturing at our factory using a combination of the latest machines, along with the manual skills of our experienced craftsmen. This approach enables us to make garments in the most accurate and efficient way possible. Shining Manufactures is known to have high quality trade with Customers. its success depends upon those who work for it and equally on those who work with it. The company is growing in an evolving industry and Shining Manufactures has promised itself to stay up to date with changes.We hope to have your Immediate contact.
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Loại hình kinh doanh
Nhà sản xuất, Nhà phân phối/Bán sỉ, Khác
Quốc gia / Khu vực
Punjab, Pakistan
Sản phẩm chínhTổng số nhân viên
51 - 100 People
Năm thành lập
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Bằng sáng chế
Thương hiệu

Năng lực R&D

Nghiên cứu và Phát Triển

Less than 5 People